Facial fillers are generally natural substances (of gel consistency) that are injected beneath the skin to help soften skin lines and folds and/or to add volume to some aspects of face. Common areas treated with fillers are:
Cheeks- to create nice high cheek-bone appearance
- to replace volume lost in front or sides of cheeks
- to improve existing asymmetry of cheeks
- to soften the folds
- to improve existing asymmetry of folds
- to minimize marionette lines
- to improve droopiness of corners of mouth
- to add volume to lips
- to replace volume lost due to age
- to improve asymmetry of lips
- to add volume to hollow areas under eyes
- to add volume to chin area, making it more prominent in appearance
- to improve appearance of deformities of nose
- to improve contour of nose
- to soften and improve appearance of the do-called “smoker lines,” the fine vertical lines above upper lips or below lower lips
Filler Treatments at MD Aesthetics
At MD Aesthetics, filler treatments are done by doctor! The area to be treated is numbed up good so you don’t feel pain during the actual filler treatment. In order to substantially reduce any possibility of bruising, certain areas, such as lips, are commonly injected with fine microcannulas- not needle. A filler treatment often takes about 15-20 minutes to be performed. There is generally no down-time following a treatment. Most often, you can go back to your normal daily routines, such as work, right after treatment.

Treatments of smiles lines (naso-labial folds), marionette lines, and lips

Treatment of mid-face groove

Treatment of smile lines, marionette lines, and lips

Treatment of smile lines, slight marionette lines, and lips

Treatments of mid-face grooves, marionette lines and corners of mouth

Treatments of lips and parentheses lines around mouth

Treatments of marionette lines and chin

Ttreatment of cheeks

Treatments of marionette lines and corners of mouth

Treatments for marionette lines, asymmetric smile lines, and asymmetric hollowness of cheeks

Treatment of extended marionette lines